The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The great transformation

Combine separationism and the Incorporation Doctrine with public education and you get state-sponored atheist schools that teach what secularist bureaucrats, feminists, liberal Jewish judges, and black racists tell them to teach.

The battle lines are between parents who want to control the education of their own children and radical culture warriors who want to control the education of everybody's children.

For conservative - no, non-radical - parents, vouchers are the answer only so far as public regulation doesn't defeat the purpose.

And the non-radical answer to that is to leave accreditation a private function.

The professional education bureaucracies that control the public schools are profoundly politicized and far from neutral in the culture war.

Sooner or later, conservatives who are not stooges for a rootless plutocracy prepared to sell out everything conservatives have ever stood for in the name of global - not national - capitalism may realize their best strategy for victory is to dump the plutocracy and take up arms for the socially conservative white working class.

Stand with unions and the economically progressive agenda against the culture warriors of the left and the nation-smashers of the right and they can win.

Ask Ann Coulter, George Will, and Pat Buchanan to choose.

They can stick with the plutes and watch them sacrifice everything else conservatives claim to value to enrich their own unprincipled global billionaire class.

Or they can dump the plutes, side with the people, and win over the much larger share of the white vote they need to successfully defend their values.

Yes, I know.

They are doomed.

On the other hand, if those teabag voters ever get un-confused about who are the real enemies of Social Security and Medicare .  .  .  .

If the people who call themselves conservatives in America actually were that killing Obamacare would not be their top priority, and neither would tax cuts or destroying unions.

They would steal the Whigs' clothes and bask in office for decades to come.

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