The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ferguson. The physical evidence supports the white cop

Michael Brown's blood found on Officer Darren Wilson's gun, car

It appears for now that the cop was fighting for his life, or anyway had plenty of reason to feel that way.

But all the same the black rabble of Ferguson got to vent their chronic hatred of whites for weeks, egged on by race-baiting black leadership and the whites who always yell murder when a white cop shoots a black man; that was what they really wanted.

Any pretext for a lovely hate bath will do, for some people.

But white liberal elites will continue to express amazement and moral outrage when whites tell them the race problem in America is mostly that blacks hate whites, blame them for everything, and believe any horrible story about them.

Or say they do.

Because they want to.

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