The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Liberal opposition to these things is just weird

Sharia Fell on Alabama

Secularists to a man, they are nevertheless profoundly annoyed at these symbolic condemnations of any thought of enacting Muslim religious law into American law.

And yet they are bitter opponents of government enforcement of Christian religious law in America.

Or Jewish, Buddhist, or any other, I suppose.

Too, these condemnations of Sharia help to remind America just how savage and horrible are the laws the "bad Muslims' - you know, those wild and crazy guys who are forever hijacking the real Islam, the Religion of Peace - want to impose anywhere they can.

Isn't it a good thing to reinforce Americans' horror of such stuff?

You know, beheadings, public stonings, whipping, and all that.


But so much of what liberals insist on standing for these days is just unspeakably weird.

Or revolting.

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