The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

As bigoted and illiberal as the worst conservatives, our current crop of liberals are


Let's see.

Around the early part of the 20th Century American liberals betrayed what we now regard as economic libertarianism and joined forces with the progressives.

Since and after the era of the civil rights struggle they have betrayed freedom of association in various ways by forbidding social exclusion of, but not by, their client groups in schools, colleges, the military, and private employment.

More recently, with their increasing social radicalization, they have betrayed free expression in matters of politics to protect the interests, endorse the lies, and impose the agendas of a congeries of minorities, not only racial but sexual and cultural.

BooMan, an enthusiastic supporter of the emerging reverse McCarthyism of the liberals, here endorses the views of radicals and pronounces the Republican Party not a legitimate participant in the national debate.

A decision he supports by appeal to lies and the ludicrous, racist, sexist caricature of Republicans essential to liberal hate propaganda against them for some years, now.

Making his accusation that they "started it" all the more grotesque.

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