The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

End Cold War II, please

Putin Paranoia

Pat Buchanan writes.

At the Cold War’s end, Yugoslavia split into seven nations, the USSR into 15. 

Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, even Slovenia briefly, had to fight to break free. 

So, too, did the statelets of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in breaking from Georgia, and Transnistria from Moldova.

Inside Russia there are still minorities such as the Chechens who wish to break free. 

And in many of the new nations like Ukraine, there are ethnic Russians who want to go home.

Indeed, a spirit of secessionism pervades the continent of Europe.

But while London permitted the Scottish secessionists a vote, Madrid refuses to concede that right to the Basques or Catalans. 

And some of these ethnic minorities may one day fight to break free, as the Irish did a century ago.

Yet of all of the secessionist movements from the Atlantic to the Urals, none imperils a vital interest of the United States. 

None is really our business. 

And none justifies a war with Russia.

Hear, hear.

But then he asks,

Indeed, what is it about this generation of Americans that makes us such compulsive meddlers in the affairs of nations we could not find on a map? 

To which I reply, what the hell Americans are those, Pat?

It's all about those loons in DC with their goddamn globalist national vanity and the stinking bastards of the military-industrial complex always looking to drum up work.

Them and the idiot Wilsonian do-gooders of both parties who insist on us being, for all purposes, everywhere, in connection with all issues and conflicts, the "indispensable nation."

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