The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The bullshit goes on

Gov. Scott Walker: I refuse to take the media's bait

He says his refusal to answer questions is bold defiance of enemy media.

Uh huh.

There has been much discussion about a media double standard where Republicans are covered differently than Democrats, asked to weigh in on issues the Democrats don't face. 

As a result, when we refuse to take the media's bait, we suffer.

I felt it this week when I was asked to weigh in on what other people said and did and what others' beliefs are. 

If you are looking for answers to those questions, ask those people.

I will always choose to focus on what matters to the American people, not what matters to the media.

No he was asked his own view on the origin of the human species, the president's patriotism, and Rudy Giuliani's comments thereon.

No one has spoken of a double standard but Republicans worried their answers might alienate people whose votes they expect they will need, and their media defenders.

He also writes,

Americans believe our nation is facing some substantial challenges. 

Some of us do, anyway.

Government spending is out of control. 

No it's not; the government is seriously underfunded because of the refusal of the Republican Party to make the rich people and corporations they represent pay enough taxes.

Terrorists seek to destroy our way of life. 

Who, the Aryan Nation? The Michigan militia?

Our economic recovery has been slow. 

Yes, because Republicans like himself have resisted Keyenesian initiatives for the last 7 years, preferring a job and wage-killing policy of austerity.

Our borders aren't secure. 

Well, it's a relative thing.

The federal government has usurped powers that rightly belong to our states.

Not that I can see.

And every day across Wisconsin, and as I travel the nation, I hear from people who share with me their worries about — and their hopes for — our country.


This guy could wind up the Republican candidate and would be the most conservative Republican candidate since Reagan and maybe even since Goldwater.

Being an uncritical war lover, he would be fine with the neocon wing.

Being a union-busting, bare-knuckle capitalist kind of guy, he would be fine with the plutes.

He has already smashed up public employees unions and right now he is pushing right to work legislation.

Demanding we secure our borders leaves unanswered - effectively dodges - all the important questions what to do about illegals already here.

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