The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Would the Evangelicals re-evaluate?

American Protestant Fundamentalism was born and grew up with the Progressive Era, and was politically allied with the movement of that name.

William Jennings Bryan, The Great Commoner, was the perfect exemplar of the close relationship between the two.

Only as support for the liberals' cultural revolution against Christian morals and clerical authority became a litmus test for Democrats in general, especially as regards abortion, and as white Evangelicals were given the bum's rush out of the party, did they move to the Republicans who so helpfully offered to fight their cultural battles, taking with them the South and so much of the West and Middle West.

But if, as regards that whole set of culture war issues, these people saw little to differentiate the two major parties, might they be tempted to return to their roots, voting Democratic more often than at present over class-related issues they regard as secondary but on which they side with the left more than with Wall Street?

Rand Paul Is Not A Libertarian

Of course, the author's point is that Rand Paul is not actually running as a sociolib and instead is doing all he can to appear acceptable to the Christian right on the culture war.

And as to that there is plenty of reason to think Paul is secretly an atheist and is being a complete hypocrite about his entire social agenda.

But it is what it is.

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