The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Are you really overweight?

In males, obesity brings not just boobs but significantly diminished sexual appetite and capacity.

Get a mental picture of a man built like Fat Bastard and ask how anyone could possibly find his pee-pee in all that blubber, assuming he or they had any interest in doing so.

You know he can’t reach it, himself, and even if someone else found it nothing very interesting would happen.

In the best of circumstances, male sexuality is iffy.

Hence the efforts women put into being provocative; hence the market for Viagra and rhino horn.

Too, wiping your own butt becomes quite stressful, if not impossible, and puts you quite out of breath.

Who will do it when you can't?

What if the toilet really does fall off the wall?

Think of taking a shower.

Can you reach everywhere you need to?

When you’re done, do you sit on the edge of the tub or lie gasping on the floor like a beached whale, totally out of breath and praying it’s not time yet for that fatal heart attack?

Can you take a shower without using one of those bathtub seats for the seriously infirm?

A really heavy-duty one?

Can you get into and out of the tub without using a crane?

Can you climb one flight of stairs without lying down afterward for five minutes to catch your breath?

Can you do the climb without stopping halfway up to catch your breath?

Can you tie your shoes without getting out of breath?

Can you do it at all, or do you need someone else to do it?

After a shower, can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror before you dress?

Does the sight cause you near-suicidal despair?

When standing, can you just reach down to pick up a dropped item from the floor?

When standing, can you get down onto your knees without denting the hardwood or cracking your kneecap?

Once down on the floor, can you get back up without help?

Can you get back up without leaning against the furniture and pushing yourself up?

Can you buy t-shirts and jeans at any store or only in the stores for the “Big and Tall”?

Just asking.

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