The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ebola without PC

Rand Paul: We need to have a discussion without political correctness

I am sure we all have fresh in our minds what PC has done to airport security since 9/11.

Some may not be aware that prior to the AIDS outbreak in the 1980's persons diagnosed with any STD - syphilis, for example - were required by law to supply health officials with names of their sexual contacts so the officials could find, check, and treat them.

Though from the start it was known as a "gay plague" and though it soon became clear that the thing was principally spread from "semen depositors" to "semen receivers," the entire gay rights movement and all its liberal supporters refused to comply with such allegedly homophobic, bigoted, and privacy-invading rules.

I have no idea how long it lasted but at least for a while they got their way.

Let's hope nobody gets that nuts about Ebola.

Anyway, the likelihood seems small since it seems to be spread a lot more easily than AIDs, requiring a lot less intimate sharing of bodily fluids, themselves a lot less intimate in nature.

Usually, as I understand it, it's a matter of contact with the sick person's blood when it starts leaking out of his body in many ways as a result of the disease.

So, yes, easier to spread and easier to catch than AIDS or any STD by a long shot.

Still, I suppose the PC nuts could raise hell about sanitary and safe burial methods that violate non-Christian religious requirements.

They won't concern themselves for a moment about possible conflict with the requirements of any Christian sect.

Oh, back in the day the PC brigades insisted gays who knew they were infected and had unprotected sex, even if with the clear intent to spread this fatal disease (much more quickly fatal, at the time), could not be prosecuted.

That would be homophobia and bigotry, of course.

The rest of the interview and of Paul's remarks are pure trash, of course.

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