The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Routine thuggishness + racism = cop

City cops, white or black, routinely behave like thugs toward everyone.

Incidents of brutality, abuse of power, plain meanness, and thuggery where the cop and the abused civilian are of the same race are reported all the time in the press.

Hence the constant pressure for civilian review boards, uniform cameras, and other measures to get the brutes under control.

But who can deny that there is also racial hostility to be found among the fuzz just as among the people at large, white cops hostile in various degrees toward blacks and black cops in various degrees toward whites?

And who can deny there is a great reservoir of hostility and suspicion of whites to be found among American blacks, exceeding in extent and intensity, nationally speaking, the like reservoir among whites?

And again and again, all over the country, whites police blacks far more than blacks police whites.

Add it all up and the results are heavily one-sided and not at all pretty.

A Ferguson story

Just one of countless stories to the same effect.

Holder is certain this is a story of racism, and yet all we can see is that it is a story of truly mountainous cop asshole-hood.

Shouldn't he have chosen a story that showed some actual signs of racist abuse of power?

But here is some of that racial suspicion and quiet hostility.

Apart from Holden's, I mean.

It's a white guy showing both toward a somewhat prominent black man.

Kobach Defends Remark On Obama Not Prosecuting Black Criminals

Guys like that just astonish me.

Kobach, yes, but more so the white caller.

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