The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Wrong about the murders, apparently. And wrong about the timing of the expropriations.

Sur Twitter, Trump vole à la rescousse des fermiers blancs d’Afrique du Sud

The Duce, the World-Wide White Man's Protector, tweeted August 22,

I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. 

“South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews

It transpires that murders of white farmers have been going down every year since 1998 and have little or nothing to do with the land issue.

Anyway, The New York Times and every major liberal medium have joined in supporting such claims by the government and president of South Africa, anxious to at any rate delay the onset of racial clashes pretty certain to be involved in uncompensated expropriation.

And as to that, the ANC does plan to introduce a change to the constitution to allow expropriation without compensation of some (most? all?) farmland in white hands for redistribution to black farmers.

But it has not yet been introduced.

Le président sud-africain, Cyril Ramaphosa, souhaite amender la Constitution pour préciser les conditions permettant l’expropriation sans compensation des terres arables et leur redistribution en faveur de la majorité noire du pays. 

Les Blancs, qui représentent moins de 10 % de la population, détiennent toujours plus de deux tiers des terres.

In another story, trying to avoid any thought that South Africa is heading down the road pioneered by Venezuela, another country that has found justification for uncompensated redistribution of farmland as well as nationalization of its oil industry, we read of the South African president writing in the Financial Times.

Quant au Président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa, il a pris la plume dans une tribune du Financial Times, afin de préciser le projet et le calendrier de son gouvernement. 

“Il ne s’agit pas de remettre en cause la propriété privée”, précise le chef de l’État, qui rappelle que “la réforme agraire ne doit pas menacer les investissements étrangers, ni mettre en péril la sécurité alimentaire” de l’Afrique du Sud.

One is eerily reminded of the uncompensated expropriations of farmland and the nation's railways in Uganda by that noble liberator, Idi Amin, the last king of Scotland, from whites and Indians.

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