The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BooMan OK with O's lie, since his true position was "correct" from the git-go.

The President Lied, People Got Married

The title is a nice reminder of the liberal bumper-sticker re Iraq, "Bush lied, people died," drawing an instant contrast to prepare the reader for his exoneration of O.

I am not even the slightest bit surprised to learn from David Axelrod that candidate Barack Obama dissembled about his reluctance to acknowledge same-sex marriages. 

I suppose some people will hold this against him not because they agree or disagree with his stated positions, but because they are disappointed that he lied to them about where he stood. 

I don’t hold it against him at all.

He had the correct position way before most people did, going back to the mid-1990’s.

Machiavelli would approve, not only of the above remarks but of B's celebration of the successes of the gay marriage movement, strengthening his use of them to put a smiley face of victory on O's fib.

When we get into the primary season of 2016 I expect the right, anyway, will float two discrediting stories about Hillary, her own "they shot at us" lie and the time as a public defender she trashed a rape victim to get an acquittal for a man whose likely guilt or improbable innocence concerned her not a whit.

As to the first, her supporters will tell us of politicians with perfect if ill-timed candor that "they all lie" and, anyway, this particular lie is not important (Bush lied, people died).

As to the second, I wonder if the sisterhood, so obsessed of late with fabricating an epidemic of rape by wicked men the American phallocracy refuses to punish, will rise to her defense?

When the story first came out they were struck dumb, and others defended Hillary by telling us "all lawyers are like that; it's their job," it's even their necessary and sacred role in our sacred and wonderful, adversarial, criminal justice system that we all love and admire except when we're talking about capital punishment, white cops shooting black criminals in self-defense, or racially disproportionate incarceration.

Will they rise to her defense, this time, or not?

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