The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

“To each according to his need”?

I am not at all sure Marx would have thought this a proper application of the maxim, but here it is.

For “students most in need” read “most uneducable.”

Unless “teacher excellence” means “in special ed,” this looks like a gross misallocation and waste of talent.

Are we supposed to think that O thinks that the differences in educational performance he tries not to allude to are significantly due to factors other than the kids, themselves?

You really want to put a woman who’s dynamite teaching high school calculus in a classroom full of kids who came to her doing math at a fourth grade level and are more likely to threaten her life than bring her an apple?

What makes you think she would teach there for any plausible amount of money?

Ah, "non-material incentives."

Looking for brilliant ex-peace corps teachers, then, who bizarrely don't mind not actually teaching those who can't or won't actually learn.

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