The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lindsey Graham needs an enema

Came then this warning from Sen. Graham:

“If he [Obama] does not go on the offensive against ISIS, ISIL, whatever you want to call these guys, they’re coming here. This is not just about Baghdad, not just about Syria. It is about our homeland.”

“I think of an American city in flames because of the terrorists’ ability to operate in Syria and Iraq,” said Graham, “Mr. President … what is your strategy to stop these people from attacking the homeland?”

An ‘existential threat’?

Well, at its most literal and complete, think Greece vs Troy or Rome vs Carthage.

When the Greeks were done, Troy was gone.

When the Romans were done, anyway as the story is told, Carthage was gone.

In both cases, the government, the city, and the people were all gone.

Is Hamas an existential threat to Israel?

Well, if Hamas successfully carried out their war against Israel, would they eliminate not only the Israeli state but all its people, or anyway its Jewish people, not necessarily killing them all but anyway forcing them out (the Greeks didn’t kill every Trojan), perhaps replacing Israel with some judenrein Arab/Muslin Palestinian state?

So, at any rate, they seem to claim.

Is anybody an existential threat to the US?

Well, anybody with enough nukes, I suppose, and some way to deliver them.

But that’s a lot of nukes.

Probably the Russians, the Brits, and the French could come up with enough of them.

Maybe the Chinese.

The Israeli’s? Maybe not.

Muslim terrorists? ISIS? Not at all.

Besides, what makes someone an existential threat is not only the ability but the will.

Nobody with the ability really seems to have the will.

Might ISIS somehow lay hands on some sort of WMD and deliver it to US territory?

Or somebody harbored by ISIS?

Well, I suppose.

But the same could be said for not only numerous Muslim groups but many, many nations, a good many of them not our friends.

You want to scare yourself out of sleeping, you can.

But do we need to do anything about ISIS?

Well, within reason, we should assist with international efforts against terrorism.

Do we need to take military action in Iraq or Syria?


Now go read Pat Buchanan.

He makes a hell of a lot more sense than Lindsey Graham.

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