Liberals ought to damn Wilson for getting us into The Great War and FDR for getting us into its sequel, World War Two, even more than they damn LBJ for getting us into Vietnam (though actually it was JFK, but never mind).
But they don't.
How Roosevelt Wrangled His Party — And America — Into World War II
In fact they keep praising Roosevelt for dragging a totally unwilling country into that war.
Try to imagine them praising LBJ for using the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, very nearly a total hoax, to stampede the country into war.
Wikipedia amusingly reports this topic with transparent and utterly conventional - and utterly lefty (see the parts about Franco and the Spanish Civil War) - pro-war bias.
US Neutrality Acts
And yet, we entered WW2 too late to really save the Jews.
Not too late to save Joe Stalin, though.
Nor to impose on Germany a peace far more draconian than anything even the craziest Frenchman had wanted to write into Versailles, a treaty that since then American liberals have labelled too harsh and anti-German, frequently blaming it (and the French) for the rise of Hitler and ultimately for World War Two.
Why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Roosevelt and Churchill confer, map out short- and long-term goals
When this meeting happened we were officially neutral and Roosevelt had been blatantly ignoring the letter and intent of US neutrality legislation for some time.
Not a peep out of him or Churchill about the nations of Eastern Europe under Stalin's heel thanks to his nonaggression pact with Hitler.
Unless I missed something, and I don't think I did, there was never a hint from Roosevelt, Churchill, or the liberal supporters of war that Stalin was also an aggressor and a monster and at that time had long been a much bloodier and horrific tyrant.
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