The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Trump on Jihaders: Torture them. Go after their families.

Torture always works on TV, mostly on cop shows where it exists side by side with the whole panoply of coercive, carrot or stick methods of law enforcement.

Think of plea bargains, prosecutorial use of excessive charges to coerce or diminished charges to reward criminals for providing information, the same sort of use of the death penalty, carrot and stick methods of getting information from witnesses, threats to charge or offers to benefit family members to elicit cooperation from witnesses or criminals, and on and on and on.

Are we really supposed to believe that torture alone amidst all of this perfectly routine stuff doesn't work?

When The Argument from the Bomb really applies I think we will revisit Trump's suggestions.

The left deals with torture these days as obsessively and absurdly as it has dealt with the death penalty or civilian gun ownership for some two hundred years.

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