The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, January 31, 2020

At what point do they all decide to back Trump in a coup?

Most of the upper echelon in the White House and part of the Cabinet, at least, are co-conspirators, as are at least some in the House and the Senate, in Ukrainegate or Russiagate or both.

None of them is in a like case with Trump, protected from immediate prosecution by an arbitrary monarchist dogma of the Justice Department.

None of them, Trump included, is protected from eventual prosecution.

Trump might pardon everybody, but no court has upheld the idea of a presidential self-pardon or of the validity of pardons transparently intended to obstruct justice - though that was the egregious intent of Ford's pardon of Nixon that no one ever challenged.

And so might the Duce first and the others in consequence come to support the idea of a coup, an altogether unconstitutional declaration by Trump that the election of 2020 or 2024 will not take place or will be ignored, as their only path to safety from eventual prosecution, imprisonment, and ruin?

And then as in Rome at the time of Augustus and in England at the time of Charles I and in so many other places at so many other times it will all depend on what the military wants to do.

They are all sworn to defend the constitution and to disobey illegal orders, but does the rot go further than we think?

Are high level military officers, generals and admirals, in a position to put aside the constitution, themselves participants in either Ukrainegate or Russiagate, like Flynn?

Many Democrat opinionators have said for months that exactly this coup is coming, and many Republicans have urged that either successful deposition of Trump or the actions of the next Democratic president regarding gun rights will and ought to provoke a civil war.

The Republican civil war looks like all mouth and bullshit to me.

But the idea of a coup by the crime boss in the White House to protect himself and his cronies - and so, of course, as Rudi the Dick would insist, to further the public good - looks increasingly likely, especially when we consider how much compelling evidence of crime upon crime continues to pile up in public against all of them, and will continue over all that time.

Admiral Mullen Sounds Alarms Over Trump's Nixonian Enemies List

Perhaps he and we should worry more about a purge of non-Trumpists from the higher ranks of the military, starting with the Joint Chiefs.

And an even wider purge of non-Trumpists from at least the leadership of the entire national security apparatus and the "deep state" in general.

The constant barrage of Democratic propaganda to the effect that Trump is pathetically stupid is very dangerous and might well make us miss what he and his leading allies are certainly cunning enough to prepare.

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