The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The things people write in emails. Jared Fogle.

Subway Jared Reportedly Texted About Paying A 16-Year-Old For Sex

He has been a valuable public example of something all too rare, somebody who shed a lot of excess weight and kept it off for many years.

Of course, he had a motive unique among those betrayed by their appetitive impulses, he was making a good living keeping the weight off as proof of the virtues of Subway sandwiches, eaten in moderation.

And in truth the calorie loads of Subway sandwiches look reasonable and even modest, compared to the general run of fast food and especially to the more extravagant burgers out there.

Super-size me, indeed.

But people lose control when forced by circumstance into situations of great stress.

Think of alcoholics falling off the wagon.

I hope he can keep it together and is not ruined by this scandal, in which so far he is at worst believed to have paid a 16 year old for sex, a young girl who was openly soliciting.

Jared Fogle

He had a 62 inch waist, at his worst.


Says Wikipedia,

As of 2013 Fogle, who is six feet two inches in height, weighs 200 pounds.

Not bad for a man that tall.

I'm just under 6' 1'' and the last time I weighed 195 pounds my doctor told me I looked too gaunt and should gain weight.

He was not kidding.

He is far from being a fatso, himself.

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