The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tommy Christopher thinks babies are "spawn."

He also uses the only just less offensive expression, "rape-babies."

Who the hell is Tommy Christopher?

Andrea Mitchell Really Wants Hillary Clinton to Talk About Megyn Kelly’s Menstrual Cycle

Two days ago.

At a New Hampshire press conference Monday, Hillary immediately brushed aside reporters’ grilling about Trump, and instead threw hot coals at Marco Rubio for wanting to force women to carry and deliver rape and incest spawn

Those comments are getting a lot of attention, but very little attention is paid to the jaw-dropping questions that sparked them.

From the outset of the press conference, Clinton drew a contrast between Trump’s “offensive” comments and the anti-woman policies being promoted by the rest of the Republican candidates, particularly Rubio’s opposition to rape and incest exceptions to anti-abortion laws, and repeatedly reinforced the notion that the latter are far more harmful than the former.

But even after this was covered in Hillary’s opening remarks, and several previous questions, NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell still couldn’t believe her ears. 

Mitchell pressed Clinton to reconsider the premise that forcing women to deliver rape babies is worse than being mean to Megyn Kelly.

No, Hillary did not once use the expression "rape-spawn."

Rubio's is the Catholic position that abortion simply is not to be allowed at all, I think.

Hillary's view, like Tommy's, is that it's especially misogynist to hold that even the lives of babies originating in rape or incest ought to be protected from their murderous Moms and the Doctor Mengeles only too ready to do their bidding.


Oh, he's a foul-mouthed, male bitch uber-liberal, from the look of it.

Bernie and #BLM

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