The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Coates claims blanket impunity for blacks

Coates ascribes black pathology to white supremacy.

By white supremacy he cannot mean Jim Crow or a legal regime of exclusion, segregation, or disenfranchisement, or any of the institutional arrangements commonly given that name, since no such arrangements now exist in America.

None have in many decades.

They were gone long before he was born.

By  "white supremacy" he simply means white power.

Not unshared or disproportionate white power, but just white power.

Bear in mind he is one of those who complain of "white skin privilege" - a sneering, racist name for a "privilege" consisting entirely of being  a member of society's majority.

In Japan, it is the Japanese who have that privilege.

In China, the Chinese.

And in white America . . . .

So, to be perfectly blunt about it, the root of the problem, for Mr. Coates, probably for most blacks, and certainly for most of the left of all races, is that America is just too damned white.

But perhaps it will still be too white for black people to do as well as others, in his eyes, when whites are a minority and mestizos join all the other minorities in America who do and fare notably better than blacks.

Perhaps, to the eventual discomfort of their present tribal allies in opposition to whites, it will unsurprisingly turn out that blacks need to be alone in their own space, to do as well as any others there may happen to be, somewhere else on Mother Earth?

Well, there is Africa and there is Haiti.

Perhaps they need to be alone on the planet?

Remember that fantasy of a black planet so heartwarming to so many black youths?

When you come down to it, Coates is just another Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, or Jeremiah Wright.

Just not so frank.

He veils his racial resentment, hate, and envy a bit more.

So white liberals anxious to keep American blacks firmly in the D column can give him a career in major media, where he can berate and bully white people to his heart's content, and heart's content of pretty much every black in America, in return for praise and money.

And they can refer their white readers to him for an occasional, good blame-bath.

Ann Coulter, in her fairly recent and mostly silly book, Mugged, repeatedly wrote that white America stopped falling for black intimidation and guilt-trip hate-mongers like Coates when O J was acquitted.

Even if she's right, it doesn't matter.

Committed to soft genocide though they transparently are, the liberals and the Democrats are still, by a wide margin, for America's white working people, the lesser evil.

And that's because the white plutocracy that runs the conservative movement and the Republican Party wants to drive the entire American working class into pre-20th Century destitution and wage-slavery more than it wants anything else.

Much more, for example, than it wants America to be white.

Apres nous, le deluge.

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