The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Everybody against the FN, again

The French National Front only has one issue: France for the French, and no one else.

For the second time, all the other significant parties have united with one shared purpose: keep the immigrants coming.

And, of course, keep France in the EU.

(All right. That's two, I know.)

Could the EU survive without France?

Alarm at French National Front gains

It is open to all the other parties, of course, to steal the Whigs' clothes.

I say they won't do it.

The American GOP would follow Bismarck into adoption of thorough social democracy, first.

Hell will never get that cold.

I sent Marine an email wishing her luck.

The neoliberal right wants no part of her or the FN.

The Financial Times cries "racist."

That includes the American Wall Street right, the plutocrat right, the open borders and free trade and kill the IRS right.

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