80% of life is just showing up
So, who showed up yesterday to vote?
KOS thinks this is the relevant answer.
75 % of the voters were identified by CNN as white.
12 % were identified as blacks.
8 % were identified as Latinos.
KOS assumes what is not in evidence, that what CNN meant by "whites" was "self-identified, non-Hispanic whites," just under 64 % of the American population, per the census.
Self-identified whites all told make up 78 % of Americans, per the census.
Self-identified blacks just under 14 %.
If KOS is wrong about the CNN categories it looks like whites and blacks may in fact have voted proportionately.
But let's suppose KOS is right and the Democrats got hammered because non-Hispanic whites were way over-represented among the voters.
That means that blacks don't show up when you need them.
So isn't the proper lesson that the liberal/Democratic strategy of race-baiting to get out the black vote in sufficient numbers to make up for however many white votes the same approach drives away has just crashed and burned before our eyes?
All that hate propaganda did not bring in the necessary flood of black voters.
Apparently, it didn't much impress the Hispanics, either.
And who does not realize everybody seeing this sort of barrage of hate propaganda, election after election, for decades now, has cost the Democrats lots of white votes, perhaps including white Hispanic votes?
By the way, why does no one ever think it necessary to subtract black Hispanics from the total number of blacks to get the "true" black percentage, as liberals regularly tell us to subtract white Hispanics from the white total to get the "true" figure for - well, for what? - for true whites?
Is being a true white anything like being a true Scotsman?
Meanwhile, a different liberal-Democrat thinks there was a different problem, though the two are certainly not mutually exclusive.
Per NBC exit polls, 37 % of the voters were 60 years old or more; only 12% were 30 years old or less.
Moral: never trust anyone under 30.
(Wasn't it fun to read that?)
OK, but tell me how the Democrats lost the loyalty of a demographic group more dependent than any other on the progressive legacies of FDR and LBJ?
Same answer: race baiting.
Liberals/Democrats have been consistently race baiting whites, especially working class whites, since 1968 - well, say the 1960's - and we geezers all remember that.
Remember, for example, all the hoopla around "forced busing" to achieve the politically correct racial balance, extravagantly alleged by liberal courts to be constitutionally required, in the Boston area public schools?
Massachusetts is still a blue state, but I wonder about the hue of the Beantown geezers.
And didn't the Bay Staters just give the governor's mansion to a Republican?
Along with deep blue Marylanders?
Really not a good night for the Democrats, was it?
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