The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Forced race mixing is not the same as de-segregation.

"De facto" segregation is an oxymoron aimed at damning a situation that obtains when, though public schools are not racially exclusive by law or on purpose, they continue to have student bodies not sufficiently racially mixed, or not sufficiently uniformly racially mixed, to please federal, state, or local social engineers or the liberals who provide them ideological cover.

Courts and laws then force public schools to bus students around within or even across districts to obtain the desired degree of mixing, which turns out to be a desired minimal white presence.

They also penalize private schools that are racially exclusive if non-whites are excluded.

I believe nowadays they also penalize private colleges that are exclusive in the same way, and also if they exclude girls or women, though not if they exclude whites, boys, or men.

Officials tear their hair out if over time demography shifts and entire school systems run short of white kids to divvy up among the schools.

Demographics complicate Hartford desegregation

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