The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The President's Eulogy of Rev. Pinckney

He hits exactly the right note, as he often does.

His answer to David Brooks and others who miss the point is this.

Removing the flag from this state’s capital would not be an act of political correctness. 

It would not an insult to the valor of Confederate soldiers. 

It would simply be acknowledgement that the cause for which they fought, the cause of slavery, was wrong.

The imposition of Jim Crow after the Civil War, the resistance to civil rights for all people was wrong.

It would be one step in an honest accounting of America’s history, a modest but meaningful balm for so many unhealed wounds.

It would be an expression of the amazing changes that have transformed this state and this country for the better because of the work of so many people of goodwill, people of all races, striving to form a more perfect union.

He does not say, and it is not true, that it needs to come down because it offends an entire race.

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