The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

They're getting it. It's not just about the Confederate flag.

The Guardian

From Texas to Tennessee, flags and monuments and busts and all the rest, aimed at honoring slavers and racists, slavery and racism, need to come down.

It's a movement to sweep it all away.

We'll see how far it gets.

But reparations and civilian disarmament are still baloney.

Unless the reparations are to come from the black African countries where the ancestors of the current blacks sold the ancestors of black Americans descended from slaves into their bondage.

Far too many of today's whites are descended from people who arrived in the country after slavery, or from people who opposed it, or from people who actually fought in the Civil War against it, or from people who were, generation after generation, among the powerless at the broad and by no means exclusively black bottom layers of society.

The racist myth of universal white guilt ought not to be accepted in place of earlier racist myths.


Not every white person in the South looks at the "Lost Cause" with contempt and, if his own ancestors were involved and his own kin still insist on taking pride in it, then personal shame and bitterness, as well.

Haley Barbour, a leading voice of the new Southern Republican Party and the so-called "New South."

During Reconstruction, whites loyal to the Rebellion and rejecting the new order of racial equality were denied the vote.

Something to think about.

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