The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Too much heat in the kitchen

Rachel Dolezal, Accused of Pretending to Be Black, Resigning NAACP Post

The NAACP has emphasized you don't have to be black to be a member or hold a position of leadership in the organization.

They did that when she was first outed as a fraud in the media.

All the same, this was a pretense the left would not buy, and she has been subject to constant attack from white and black liberals even while she has suffered limitless mockery from the right.

She might well be partly American Indian even if she is not in any slight degree black.

It's common enough, anyway among French Canadians - though it is often viewed as rather a plus, so doubtless for lots of folks its just a family myth.

Does she have any Canuck ancestry?

Maybe we all need a DNA test from

Whites in the US, if asked for ethnicity, generally go with what they think is predominant in their personal mix, if any one ethnicity covers more than half, looking back as far as their grandparents - maybe great grandparents - and what the family says about them.

Otherwise, depending on the culture of the family in which they were raised, they are apt to say "mixed" and let it go at that.

But Indians in the US are like blacks.

It varies a lot among the tribes, but a person can be accepted as Indian with as little as 1/8 Indian ancestry.

The one-drop rule had to do with law, slavery, and racism and not objective estimation, and overstates the thing, but with some exceptions people count themselves and are counted by others as black with even less than 1/8 black ancestry.

my family history proves choosing a racial definition is hard

A very interesting story of Anatole Broyard, told by his daughter.

Leave it to H. L. Gates to out AB as black.

It was enough for Gates (and the state of Louisiana) that he was partly black and, not surprisingly, raised in a black neighborhood by parents who counted themselves as black (Gates describes them as "high yellow") while they lived in that state, but no longer when they moved to the North.

Gates, himself, is less than half black.

In America, today, you're still black if you look even a little black.

If America ever gets over its fixation on race people will be counted and count themselves black, white, or whatever if they are more than half black, white, or whatever; otherwise they will just be mixed.

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