The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Duce still doesn't get it

The jobless and GDP numbers the other day filled him with rage at those who released them as well as those who reported them.

He remains obsessed with economic numbers and as indifferent as he is allowed to be by aides and others to the pandemic numbers.

He continues to see the virus as bad mostly if not only because it has prevented glowing economic numbers that he continues to believe are the unique determining factor for his reelection, and his reelection remains his highest goal.

He continues to refuse the be the virus Czar and to refuse to truly allow that role to Pence or anyone else.

His unique response to the virus is denial, push it away, reject blame, reject responsibility, blame it on China and Joe Biden.

He can certainly blame the economic bad news on the impact of the virus and the steps needed to cope with it,

But instead with nearly every word he delegitimates those steps and the work of his own public health and medical experts, so that leaves those steps a valid basis for blame that has to be directed to someone other than him.

So instead of taking credit for a national effort he blames almost everything that's been done of a serious and legitimate nature to deal with the virus on the deep state, on Democrats, on fake news, and on his media enemies.

He is far, far worse than useless.

Lately he and his White House team are telling America it will all be over soon and America will be entirely back to normal by the end of June.

Claims that have no basis in fact and no credibility at all.

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