The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

CNN blasts out using the virus for race propaganda, again

The explanation for racial and ethnic disparities in infection rates, severity of infection, and death from infection is the accompanying disparities in relative wealth or relative poverty.

And it is by no means as if only nonwhites in America are poor.

There are far more poor whites than nonwhites in this country, and this means they are in the same ways disproportionately victims of the virus, too.

This is certainly an argument for public action to ensure every American has good quality health insurance and everyone in America has good quality medical care.

Not a peep about that on any "news" network.

Not on Fox since it would put their idiot viewers on notice.

Not on CNN, MSNBC, or BBC because howling about race works so much better for today's Democrats and the Democratic racist/racial left.

This is much worse than spinning.

CNN has turned what could and should have been a news-rich story revealing the stunning difference relative wealth or poverty makes regarding virus risk of infection, severity, and death in the US and indeed the world as a whole into a blistering attack of racist/racial vitriol.

An attack on America and an attack on white America.

To them, there is only one explanation and you know what it is, "systemic racism", "a history of racism", "the legacy of slavery, segregation, and racism".

These variables affect whether you live, die or get help during the pandemic

Still, the disparities are indeed stunning.

Black, Latino and Native American people are nearly three times as likely to  ebe infected with Covid-19 than their White counterparts. Those three groups are about five times as likely to be hospitalized. And people of color across the board are more likely to die of the virus.

. . . .

Race affects who is able to flee from a viral hotspot to a second home and who shares a roof with family members across generations. It affects who is able to work remotely and who has to leave home to keep society afloat. It affects who has easy access to testing and who puts off treatment because they're worried about the costs.

In other words, as the US approaches six million confirmed coronavirus cases, race plays a major role in who lives, who dies and who gets help.

She tells an awful story.

She says "they're lying" a lot, and is right.

Weird sexist bit at the end about women, protecting families, and the virus.

GOP Senator Bill Cassidy, a doctor, tests positive for COVID-19

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