The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This from the man who insisted proudly we are not a democracy but a republic

Will Trump and Sanders Fall to Corrupt Bargains?

He has completely turned his coat and joined Trump, Sanders, and the democracy fakers who insist the parties accept a fully democratic nomination process.

No, not that they change their rules to fully democratize future nominations, but that they ignore their current rules and behave as though, contrary to the rules, the choice of the nominee this year belonged to the primary voters and caucus goers rather than to the delegates.

And, on the Republican side, that if no candidate has an actual majority of the suffrage then that the nominee be whoever comes to the convention with the most votes.

Current rules on both sides contemplate the choice being made by actual delegates and, on the Democratic side, that most delegates are not even pledged.

But he remains utterly faithful to Buchananism.

Sanders, last week, was saying that what disqualifies Clinton as president is her support for free trade deals that gutted American industry and cost millions of jobs, and her support for an Iraq War that was among the costliest, bloodiest blunders in U.S. history. 

On both issues, Trump agrees with Sanders. 

Cruz, an uber-hawk and free trader, is more aligned with Clinton.

If the “America First” stance on foreign and trade policy, close to a majority position today, is unrepresented by either party this fall, and we get a free trade, War Party president, the divisions within the country will widen and deepen.

If Sanders and his revolution are sent packing in Philadelphia, and Trump is robbed in Cleveland of a nomination Americans believe he won, political disillusionment, and political realignment, may be at hand.

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