The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

So many surprises

That For Greater Glory is on Netflix, about this.

And that Peter O'Toole is in it, even in a absurd role.

Playing a martyred priest!

Liberals used to be for freedom of religion, and not only for freedom from it.

But not for many years, now.

Of course, it is not a surprise that so many critics panned it.

Remember The Passion, which was a really brilliant and moving film, and the reception it received from our contemporary liberal and Jewish critics?

In Mexico and elsewhere the cultural revolution against Christendom was quite forthright, violent, and frank, back in the day.

Coexistence, in that time, did not seem a viable option to enough of the population and the classe politique.

And the question is forced upon us.

How can we compare a society ruled by the traditional Christian sexual morality and one ruled instead by the post-Christian, liberal and libertarian alternative?

The latter, other things equal, would be much better for adults.

The former would be better for children, both born and unborn.

For openers.

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