The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Is Hillary running for dictator, too?

A valid cause for alarm at Trump is his penchant for talking as if he is running for dictator, as if as president he can do anything he promises now, as if the congress and the courts did not even exist.

And now Hillary?

Trump and Clinton on guns: two visions of race, justice and policing in the US

[S]he will take on America’s gun lobby from her “very first day” in office. 

One of her advisers announced on Friday that she believed a landmark 2008 supreme court decision protecting gun rights had been “wrongly decided”. 

“We have just too many guns – on the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods,” she said last month.

Does she think that means she gets to ignore it?

And the number of guns is not the problem.

The problem is who has them and the use they make of them.

But not every problem has an acceptable solution.

And this is just wrong, too.

Following a mass shooting at a community college in Oregon last October, which left nine victims and the perpetrator dead, Clinton unveiled an expansive plan aimed at reducing gun violence. 

Among its key tenets were universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and a push to hold gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for gun violence, including by repealing a 2005 law that bars lawsuits against gun companies when a legally sold gun is later used in a crime.

On the latter, Clinton has clashed with Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, who voted in favor of granting legal protections to gunmakers in 2005. 

Clinton, then representing New York in the US Senate, voted against the bill.

Imagine suing Ford because somebody used one of their cars to deliberately run somebody over.

Or to get away after a bank robbery.

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