Well, geographically, yes.
But the Occident is white.
That government?
Of an insignificant island peopled by Africans and East Indians (as the CIA Facebook has it)?
Well, Western-style, maybe.
But Western?
Well, geographically, yes.
But the Occident is white.
That government?
Of an insignificant island peopled by Africans and East Indians (as the CIA Facebook has it)?
Well, Western-style, maybe.
But Western?
I could never bring myself to read the book.
I feared from the title it would be even worse, much worse, than A People's History of the United States.
My wife, 3 months younger than I, has retired after 47 years of working.
Yesterday, Friday, the 30th of May, was her last day.
She is happy as a clam.
"Je vous ai compris," he said.
"I have understood you," and then he left French Algeria in the lurch and got France definitively out of the colonialism business.
We need an American president who will say to the Japanese, the Lithuanians, the Israelis, and the Brits, "I have understood you," and close all our bases, and bring our forces home from, everywhere east of Provincetown and west of Honolulu.
And get America definitively out of the globo-cop business.
Alas, this will not change in my lifetime.
And probably not in yours.
Not without property rights and settlement of long overdue debts.
French students are notoriously stupid.
Think of 1968.
French rally against National Front
Also, the headline is typical BBC bullshit leftism.
"French rally," indeed.
A few thousand students in sparsely scattered demos.
She'd be squatting naked in the dirt if the Europeans hadn't shown up.
Unless the Japanese had colonized the place.
Nationalism with a human face?
Odd bedfellow for the more firmly neoliberal populist right like Wilders' PVV.
Too, Wilders is a firm Zionist.
Le Pen has called for Hollande to dissolve the government and call new elections.
Hell will freeze over before the French "respectable" parties allow her a shot.
They might even prefer unconstitutional action to stop her.
Why not?
They're on their fifth republic.
Who's to say it's not time for a new directory, to be followed by a sixth?
"I told you so," says everyone who advised against alignment with the French FN rather than the tremendously successful UKIP.
The FN was also hugely successful.
This is not victory.
This is only a step forward for the Euroskeptic cause.
Victory would sink the EU, end immigration, and commence mass deportations.
Could they really get that far, having spent decades giving enormous wealth and power to Islam?
When is the next British national election, by the way?
Or French?
4/20, The Miser Who Lost His Treasure
Written in an age when medicine could do nothing for the old, and charged accordingly.
By a man who gave no thought to the costs of home care for, say, stroke victims.
True enough, you are just as dead if your government does not save you as you would be if it killed you.
But you do not always, at every moment of your life, need it to save you.
You always need it not to kill you.
A thought with "Humanism and Terror" in mind.
Checks and balances, anyone?
A life tenured and independent judiciary enforcing a written constitution with a lovely Bill of Rights will save us from a runaway executive, right?
After all, that is their critical role in defending the people against tyranny by forcing lawfulness upon the king's men.
Though Madison insisted there was absolutely no cause for alarm and no need at all for a Bill of Rights, we have come over two centuries to recognize the essential role they play in enabling judges to do anything at all to restrain the executive.
But refusing to court the public humiliation of being ignored, rather than fight such atrocities as this - and how long did the president's men hold Bradley Manning in jail, in solitary, without bail, before giving him the speedy and public trial that was his due? - our courts themselves join in the national fun-fest of constitutional disobedience, to the applause of the executive they should be trying to restrain, by everywhere unlawfully legalizing gay marriage.
Every five years I get a renewal notice in the mail for my driver's license.
I can mail a check or renew online with a credit card.
But if I want to cancel the motorcycle endorsement - it costs an extra $35 - I have to drive to a DMV office and wait in line to deal with a surly and stupid civil servant.
I can't do that online.
Every couple of years my license to carry a concealed weapon (a gun) expires.
To renew, I have to go to a nasty hole in the wall office of the sheriff's department, get a picture taken, fill out a form, and pay on the spot.
Could there be an historical novel about the Battle of Waterloo in which not one sentence was true?
Yes, of course.
Imagine a novel in which everything said about the battle in the author's narration is at least a bit off the mark.
The time or date of the beginning is wrong.
The description of Wellington is not quite right.
The composition and number of the opposing forces was not as the novel says.
And so on.
But there was a Battle of Waterloo, and it pit Wellington against Napoleon.
And Napoleon lost.
And the novel, though it does not assert these true things, asserts what entails them.
But then what, really, is the tie to truth that makes a novel about Waterloo about Waterloo, rather than some wholly fictitious battle on the third moon of Jupiter, known for some reason by that name?
Sure, there is a tie.
But what is it?
What is the connection to reality that makes a novel set in New York set in New York, rather than in a town by that name on the frontier on Venus?
They have no trouble accepting that Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot who led vast, popular movements of awful violence whose only legacies were social disasters on an unprecedented scale were men of the left.
Indeed, the greatness of those disasters, their unprecedented cost, magnitude, and body count, were all due specifically to the most leftist traits of their regimes.
More than anything else, it was through their radical leftism that they did such epochal harm.
And yet, almost no one "serious" accepts the evident truth that both Mussolini and Hitler, like Bismarck, like Teddy Roosevelt, were men of the left.
Or that Fascism and Nazism - National Socialism - were leftist movements.
But of course it was not owing to their leftist features that these regimes were and were regarded as radical or extreme, or that, anyway in Hitler's case, their movements were so spectacularly malevolent and caused such historic disasters.
Of the communists we can say they were horrors because they were leftist and that their historic and successful malevolence was intrinsically leftist.
Whereas Hitler's evil and the malevolence of Hitlerism owed nothing to the modest leftism of the man, the ideology, or the regime.
And as to Mussolini, well.
Neither he, nor Franco, nor the other non-communist movements or dictators of the period should even be mentioned in the same discussion with Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
Evil for evil, body counts and all else considered, they are orders of magnitude inferior to the communists as producers of social devastation.
Like Salazar and Peron, and the whole tribe of Latin non-communists.
Or Chiang Kai Shek, of course.
Or the generals or princes who occasionally rule various places in Southeast Asia.
Many of whom have been and continue to be men of the left every bit as clearly and seriously as Bismarck and Mussolini.
But not men of the radical left.
Politics is a unique struggle of which the winners get to exercise the matchless violence of the state for their own ends.
Hence it brings out the worst in us and attracts the worst of us.
Mass politics, even democratic politics, is no exception.
Nor is culture war or class war.
Most certainly not.
There's no snow in the forecast as far as the eye can see.
It was a rough winter.
From October 30, 1944, anyone who owned a radio of any kind or type without a license faced the death penalty.
They meant it.
On May 1, 1945, a man in Poznan was executed for unauthorized possession of a Philips radio.
Reading Iron Curtain.
But if you cannot even mention the word, let alone use it, but must allude to it by description as we used to speak, for example, of the rise in use by white people of "the mother curse," how awkward must it be nowadays to teach literature.
Twain and Shakespeare must be very difficult.
Is Conrad even possible?
The N-Word of the Narcissus.
Awkward, to say the least.
"The 'I think' must accompany all my representations."
Years later, it was discovered that transporter beams had been a Starfleet hoax.
The transporter machine in the Enterprise into which he stepped destroyed Captain Kirk instantly, disintegrating his body to atomic dust to be swept up by that evening's housekeepers and flushed out into space.
The machine in the next starship, ostensibly his destination, simply assembled an entirely new Kirk who would step away believing he had just moments ago finished lunch in an Enterprise snack bar.
What if the unity of apperception is just a mistake and there is no single, continuing 'I' - no me - that is the thinker of all "my" thoughts?
Immediately after the war, there was a great resurgence of the Scouts and thousands of other youth groups, some of them sponsored by churches or political parties - overwhelmingly, not the communists - , but many of them independent activity groups like athletic, hiking, and chess clubs, throughout Soviet occupied Eastern Europe.
Though governments in the region at this point were democratic coalitions, Stalin, the Red Army, and Soviet-controlled national communist parties together ensured ministries of the interior, police, and the secret police were communist organizations devoted and obedient to Moscow.
Within a year or so the swarms of independent clubs and organizations had been banned, penetrated, or subverted from within and ultimately absorbed into unified state, and explicitly communist, control.
Always, the struggle involved not only illegal coercive measures by organs of the state under communist control but the sort of ghastly ideological warfare and horrific propaganda made too familiar by the left even in America from the 1960s on.
Culture war every bit as bitter and sweeping, but in a time frame of only the few years immediately after World War Two.
Reading Iron Curtain, one observes the hammering of traditional scouting in our time by the left, for example, with dread.
As Europe approaches a "Camp of the Saints" situation, it is no surprise that the left sides with the invaders who will soon overwhelm and destroy the place.
Violence and religious authoritarianism are gross perversions of Christianity.
Well, anyway, of the religion of Jesus, or even the religion about Jesus of the early church.
But this is not true of Islam, though many pretend it is.
Neither of the religion of Muhammed nor of the religion about Muhammed.
Perhaps usually without believing their own pretense.
Who can tell?
In any case, this may be one of those true things one simply cannot say.
The world is full of them.
She took the trouble to rat him out.
In a private conversation - but not surreptitious, and in a public place - she overheard him call the president a nigger.
It was too much for her.
An outraged public has responded.
(No, this is not the movie starring Victor McLaglen.)
Young marrieds each think secretly, regarding the other, "I hope I out-live you."
But geezers each hope to die first, and even say so.
The young are thinking of what it is to be alive and young.
The old are thinking of what it is to be old and alone.
If America was a democracy every Muslim here would have been deported in the first week after 9/11 and not one stadium would have been built with public funds, ever.
Just saying.
Had the Crusaders won back from Islam all the previously Christian lands taken and converted by violence by the Mohammetans from their first appearance, the world today would be a better place.
The Christians would have reduced Islam to an impotent, cringing minority, incapable of all the harm it has done from that time to the present.
But it was the secular empires of the 19th Century that defeated Islam almost everywhere.
Wrong men for the job.
Booman on Marco Rubio and climate change
They have long taken to labeling climate change incredulity "denialism" so as to make it seem not only a fraud but a fraud morally on a par with Holocaust denial.
And that, in liberal eyes, of course makes it very bad, indeed.
"The point is not to understand the world but to change it."
So said Marx.
"Theses Against Feuerbach," as I recall.
He was exactly wrong.
The point is to understand it.
You cannot change it.
And if you could?
Well, this is annoying.
Oklahoma State court forces 6 month delay of the next and only scheduled execution.
Next up, conservatives will agree the death penalty is unconstitutional.
The only thing they really want to conserve is the money and power of the plutes and the corporations.
That's all that's left of conservatism, almost.
Zionism comes in second.
Hayseed Christianity comes in a distant third.
The liberals are right.
The Republicans are in the hands of Wall Street conservatives too determined to kill a century of progressivism to steal the entire white working class from the Democrats by shifting left on the economy.
The rest of their agenda would be a cinch.
But that would be sacrificing the only real agenda, the destruction of historic progressivism, for the sucker bait.
So far as I know, these parties of the "extreme right" are united by nationalism, but are by no means alike in everything else.
Wilders' party is strongly Zionist, for example, but I suspect the French FN is not.
Also, Wilders' party is more opposed in general to the welfare state than they are, I think.
The constitutional prohibition of establishment, I think, requires secularism.
But since the incorporation doctrine is a lie, it requires nothing of Greece, New York, in that vein.
Court allows Christian town prayers
But that isn't what the court said.
The right decision for wrong reasons.
It's been like this for as long as I've been in Pennsylvania, since the late 1970's.
The Democrats protect the state stores and their monopolistic control of the retail trade in wines and spirits.
Very annoying.
But they're not that much younger than I am.
McCord's wife is black?
When I was in high school, it was rare for kids to date outside their ethnic group or their religion.
We are a family of Franco-Americans, of French Catholics from Canada.
My sister married a Franco-American Catholic and my brother did the same.
My high school girlfriend was a Franco-American Catholic who had gone to parochial school for grades 1 through 8, where the language of instruction was French, like all my cousins.
These candidates are maybe 15 years younger, and McCord has taken exogamy that far.
You know, liberals only pretend to value diversity.
Exogamy undermines it.
And they reject it in the schools, too.
Recall the president's comment that religiously affiliated schools are divisive.
What does he think of men's colleges?
Of schools that have been, traditionally, not just racially but ethnically specific?
Though I am sure that, like all liberal men, he is fine with schools that are traditionally black or girls-only.
It's just men's schools that are wicked.
And white schools.
It's masculine identity that needs to be at least subverted if not abolished.
And the boys club.
And the white race.
Not the sisterhood.
And certainly no colored race.