The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

And who says politics is bullshit?

The British prime minister says he would be "heartbroken" if his country's Jews ever felt compelled to leave home.


Is that really the right word?

Not, say, shocked, surprised, astonished, or even perhaps annoyed?

On the other hand, there is something to this.

Maybe not quite what JG says, but something.

He [Brit PM David Cameron] stressed that he is worried that the international movement to declare Israel an illegitimate state—with its contention that Israel’s existence as an independent, Jewish-majority safe haven is morally unsupportable and should therefore be brought to an end—shares characteristics with anti-Semitism. 

How can anyone seriously consider the question of the fundamental moral legitimacy of the Zionist idea without looking at the totally PC conventional moral wisdom of the Occident about European colonialism and settler states?

And in particular about the fate of the settler states in Africa?

And at the total rejection of ethnicity and race as morally legitimate objects of concern or bases of loyalty, for white people though not for others, equally unshakably part of the totally PC conventional moral wisdom for at least the last 60 years?

If the PC conventional wisdom about these things and a couple of others having to do with interventionism and global responsibility is accepted then it must also be accepted that Israel is indeed an illegitimate state that ought to be brought to an end.

And so?

How on Earth can David Cameron or anyone else demand approval for the post-WW2, post-colonial success of European states in accepting multi-racialism and multi-culturalism while defending or even tolerating the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine, made and maintained by those same European states with the help of America and some others?

If the rejection of multi-culti in European countries by ethnic nationalists and racists who insist, for example, that France should be for the French, is too immoral to even be spoken of without cursing and spitting in polite society, how accept the Jewish State?

And yet DC does seem to manage that trick, damning anti-Zionism as both morally illegitimate and morally intolerable by tying it to anti-Semitism, which, of course, and ironically like racism, is among the blackest of sins, according to the conventional moral wisdom.

French Prime Minister: If Jews Flee, the Republic Will Be a Failure

Manuel Valls: "If 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France."

Wow. LOL.

Valls is himself a Spanish immigrant, by the way, who came to France in his teens.

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