The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, December 18, 2015

The DNC is in Hillary's pocket

Sanders campaign threatening legal action against DNC.

First the debates and now the database.

I have just sent Bernie's campaign $50.

That's my second contribution.

I have sent nothing to Hill.

If there's anything she doesn't need from an impoverished white geezer like me, it's my dinky contribution.

If she's the nominee, as I expect, I will vote for her.

I used to think that, being more centrist than Bernie she would do better in the generals.

But her negatives are deservedly high and climbing, and character shows, so maybe not.

The Republicans will red-bait Bernie, but they did that to O and would probably do it in lesser degree to Hill.

They will attack her with scandal and deserved character assassination.

Old, white guy though I am - indeed, because I am - I would have to be nuts to vote for a conservative or trust a moderate Republican.

A moderate Republican is a smiling conservative more civil in his discourse and responsible in his choice of means.

No shutdown, in other words.

GW was a moderate but he attacked Social Security in his second term.

He promised a less interventionist foreign policy and went nuts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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