The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, February 26, 2016

What the left thinks of those Evangelical Trump supporters

The racist history of evangelicals proves they’re a perfect match with Trump

Everyone has noticed that the very large segment of the Republican base firmly supporting The Donald is indifferent to and perhaps even pleased at his departures from the conservative class war against American social democracy, Big Government, and the regulatory state.

To explain their allegiance and outlook, Amanda Marcotte likens Trump's Christian supporters to the Southern, Christian right of the 1970's, whites who did not so much support mandatory segregation, by then gone with the wind, as oppose and flee mandatory integration into private "Christian academies."

As for the Reagan Democrats of the West and North who flipped to supporting the GOP for the election of 1980, partly over abortion but also because of the humiliation of America and of Jimmy Carter by the Iranian Revolution, she attributes their switch chiefly to deft anti-feminism and exploitation of white racial feelings by Reagan and his supporters that she, of course, unreservedly condemns.

And she insists Trump's supporters are of much the same stripe.

Update, later that same day.

I just remembered an incident that happened during the Age of Reagan.

At work, a black woman cohort received a call from her son passing along rumors that, all over the country, black people were being "rounded up."

She told me and asked if I had heard anything about it or thought the rumors might be true.

Shocked, I of course said no to all of it.

Looking back and looking ahead, I would rather her grandchildren and great grandchildren have to live with such fears and rumors than mine.

But I would rather not starve or be forced back to work in my declining years, too.

And that is all I have to say about the browning of America.

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