The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Happy Columbus Day

Cities all over America, governed by Democrats and more heavily nonwhite than the country at large, are putting an end to their Columbus Day celebrations and parades and replacing them with festivities for Indigenous Peoples' Day.


They're not happy Columbus discovered America?

They want to say the world would have been a better place had it not happened?


If they say that they are lying, by which I mean exactly that it is false and they know it.

Apart from Indians personally pushed aside or killed during the white peopling of the Americas, or blacks personally made slaves for or in the Americas, everybody in the world, including the descendants of both those groups, has been better off because of the white peopling of the Western Hemisphere and the rise of the greatest of the settler states, the United States of America.

But these people don't want to celebrate that?

Or perhaps they just don't dare?

They prefer to behave publicly in such a way as to endorse the idea that the white presence in the Americas is guilty and shameful.

No, rather than celebrate that they want to celebrate the so-called "indigenous peoples", the nonwhites who were already here when Columbus showed up.

Why, really?

Who doubts that if the Indians had been left to themselves over all these centuries they would be living here today just as they did when the white colonials started to arrive?

And what would they have contributed in that case to civilization and the world at large?

Not even their actual contributions, which in fact have mostly been to the inventory of the world's food crops.

No small thing, when you think about it; but, really, pretty much only that.

Anyway, "indigenous peoples" is just PC-speak for that other n-word, "natives," by which the racial bien-pensants mean whoever happened to be already there when the white people showed up, anytime during or after 1492.

But in actual fact, humans are indigenous (native) only to Africa, or all of us to the entire planet, and indigenism is a politically motivated hoax, a lie, and a weaponization of history by losers and their allies of the left.

And when you are praising someone it's pretty much routine to omit mention of his "dark history", even if it's Columbus, though that is not acceptable to the likes of Asian chick and CNN racial PC cop Holly Yan.

Trump's praise of Columbus omits dark history


Breitbart has four stories on this issue listed on its front page "trending now" section, today.

Four stories.

Of course, they have been stoking the war on Columbus for as long as there has been a war on Columbus.

Over a decade, now, surely?

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