The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Did she give Herring permission to not resign?

NYT Editor Knows 'We Keep Avoiding The Conversation We Need To Have On Race'

This, as so much of today's news, has unraveled so quickly, it's been rare to see a person cut right to the heart of Gov. Northam's colossal failure and how to heal. 

Mara Gay did that when she visited Andrea Mitchell's show on Thursday. 

It was immensely instructive and frankly, a bit of a relief. 

Primarily, she outlined the vast difference in the ways Gov. Northam and AG Herring handled their respective histories of having worn Blackface, and why Herring's was the example for people to follow.
Of course there's nothing acceptable about blackface, it's horrible. 
But you know what, he said in his statement it was the most painful, shameful moment in his life. 
And he talked about having to spend the past 40 years to make up for that and do so genuinely by taking responsibility publicly and by working toward racial justice. 
That's what you want to hear, because I will tell you right now there is not a single American who does not have some share in an inheritance we all have of our country's painful racial history. 
So the question is, what do we do about that, how do we ask for forgiveness, how do we forgive.

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