The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, February 25, 2019

John Oliver is right

When the Tories decided to let so momentous and difficult an issue be decided by a simple majority in a single plebiscite they tossed the burden of decisions from those who know most about how horrendously difficult it is to those who know pretty much nothing.

It is because responsible and informed political choice is a full time job and a hard one that the modern "democracies" are actually representative governments in which the people do not make such choices but choose representatives to make them for them.

And on this one those representatives just irresponsibly and stupidly funked it.

Go watch his Brexit III on You Tube.

At last, Jeremy. Now Labour’s mission must be to prevent any Brexit.

Brexit is proof that too democratic an approach to a crucial political issue is stupid and dangerous.

So is Donald Trump.

No smoke-filled room would ever have nominated him.

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