The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Muslim? Most likely not, at a guess.

Court date is set for Indiana man found with weapons before L.A. Pride parade

Also at a guess, he was en route to massacre celebrants at the parade.

Also at a guess, if religion comes into it its the Christian religion.

Yesterday, Fox News was spinning the heck out of the Orlando story as another ISIS outrage that the feckless Democrats had not managed to stop while MSNBC had a troop of LGBT activists on telling us tearfully and angrily this was just the latest of the continuously ongoing hate crimes against them, nearly all of them incited in America by gay-hating variants of Christianity and worldwide by that and other murderous religions.

For Fox it was a story about ISIS.

For MSNBC it was a story about American, mostly Christian inspired homophobia.

This story about the Indiana man going to LA validates the second view, though of course it does not invalidate the first.

And this, by the way, is just stupid.

Donald Trump proves Clinton's point about his temperament

Laura's objections to his temperament are not stupid.

This objection to his plan, probably now dropped, to at least temporarily block Muslim entry to the US is stupid.

No word, though, on how Trump’s Muslim ban would have prevented an American-born Florida resident from killing people in Florida.

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