The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The International Brigades

BBC NEWS today has a story about thousands of soi-disant al-Qaeda fighters from all over the world, including many from Britain and France, using safe houses in southern Turkey for passage into and out of Syria, fighting Asad's dictatorship under a false flag of democracy - or a true flag of Islamist, faux democracy.


No, it's not Munich this reminds me of.


Got it.

That the Western powers don't want to unseat the dictator but cannot espouse his cause, instead cheering for democracy with no enthusiasm, makes those echoes of Spain all the more clear.

Yes, I have cast the Muslim volunteers from all over Europe and the world as the communists of the faux-republican International Brigades, type-casting as those of decades ago today's deluded fanatics depicted so widely in Western media as heroes - and how else can one say it? - of anti-Fascism.

In the past, Turkey - or anyway the Turkish generals of Ataturk's army - would've put a stop to this.

But recent, successful moves to end that tradition of secularist intervention by that country's ruling democratic Islamists have made Turkey hospitable to Jihaders, including al-Qaeda.

Is there not current congressional authorization for the president to make war against not only al-Qaeda but also allied forces and sheltering nations, anywhere in the world?

And what loon would expect or want war with Israel's once and perhaps future ally, Turkey, in defense of the anti-Zionist dictator, Asad?

Certainly not those Jewish-American agents of Israeli influence, the neoconservatives - or their goyische cohorts - who have done their best for decades to get America to crush both Syria and Iran on behalf of the only country they love more than the USA, their ethnic, religious, and ancestral homeland, Israel.

Whatever their blather, they fear and hate first and foremost Israel's nation-state enemies.

Not Islamists, not Muslims, and not al-Qaeda or other Muslim fighters, per se, but enemy states and their tools.

Which is why they first insisted America's retaliatory attack on al-Queda and the Taliban must include outright invasion, occupation, and regime change in Afghanistan and then diverted that effort as soon as possible, in the first flush of apparent, easy success, into a struggle against Israel's three most hated enemies, dubbed for the purpose "The Axis of Evil," though succeeding only in forcing America into wasting a trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives in war against only one of them, Iraq. 

But America is tired of Israel and it's endlessly warmongering Jewish-American agents of influence, though it would take bunker-busting nukes to blast them out of their dominant positions in America's classe-politique and American culture.

And given that last, we know America's days as Israel's super-power cat's paw are very far from over.

Only fools believe for every problem there is a solution.

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