The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Rachel dumps on Bernie

Rachel Maddow Blows Bernie Sanders’ Contested Convention Logic To Smithereens

Bernie himself said only yesterday he's going to try to beat Hillary by winning over superdelegates, though he is notably behind on pledged delegates and popular votes.

Rachel compares the situation today with the situation in 2008, when Hillary bowed out without making a fight at the convention.

Obama's lead at the time was significantly less than Hillary's lead over Bernie right now.

Others, too, are not amused at his behavior.

Bernie Sanders declares war on reality

Instead of coming to grips with the overwhelming evidence that Democratic primary voters prefer Hillary Clinton be the party’s 2016 presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders continues to create his own political reality — devising new and creative excuses to explain why he’s losing to her and why he should be the party’s standard-bearer in November.

. . . .

The same candidate who has been railing against independent voters being disenfranchised, who has called the primary system undemocratic, and who has complained about superdelegates, in general, is now calling on those same superdelegates to vote against Clinton (that would apparently include delegates from the states Clinton has won), even though she will almost certainly have the most pledged delegates and the most votes. 

In head-to-head general election polls, Clinton trounces Trump, but since Sanders trounces him by a bit more, he argues that he should be the nominee.

In the realm of illogical, self-serving, hypocritical, intellectually dishonest political arguments, this is practically the gold standard. 

But with six weeks to go until the last primary, I have great confidence that the Sanders campaign will find some way to top it.

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