The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The cop mind

So you spend 20 years living with someone and in all that time he never does anything scary or illegal with the dozens of guns he accumulates, he just keeps accumulating.

So, do you think he's a hoarder or do you think, ah, he's preparing for two decades or more to go up into a hotel room and shoot down onto a crowd.

A whole crowd of "experts" on CNN just went with option 2, and are angrily insisting Paddock's girlfriend must have known what was up.


She better have a damned good lawyer or these guys will be measuring her for a frame.

Talk about an investigation with tunnel vision.

I'm not saying she's innocent.

I'm saying they have nothing, nothing to show she is not.

And they are convinced, all the same.

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