The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

And nobody has even seen the redacted version, yet

After Mueller: A Majority of Americans believes Trump is Guilty of Obstruction, wants him Impeached

A new Associated Press – NORC Pollfinds that a majority of Americans, 53%, want Congress to go on investigating Trump even after the close of the Mueller investigation. 

(The raw data for the poll is here.)

Since they saw Trump fire Comey after pressuring him to assure the president of his loyalty to the man rather than to the law of the land, it is understandable that fully 58% believe Trump is guilty of obstruction of the investigation into his alleged Russia ties.

Moreover, asked “If Trump did not personally have inappropriate contacts with Russia but did obstruct the Justice Department investigation, should Congress take steps to remove him from office, or shouldn’t it?” — fully 53 percent favor impeachment.

. . . .

Nor are they letting him off the hook on collusion. Some 69% of Americans believe Trump either did something illegal (35%) or at the very least behaved unethically with regard to his Russian contacts (34%).

44% say that they are concerned or very concerned that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

Only 29% say they believe he did nothing wrong at all.

71% believe that the Mueller investigation was fair and impartial. But a solid majority thinks that too little of it has been shared with Congress and with the public.

Fully 60% of Americans believe Trump is doing a bad job as president, and only 39% approve.

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