The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Watching AM Joy: What black girls don't want.


Otherwise empty suit full of white male privilege.

Mayor Pete?

Not sufficiently committed to the AOC/Bernie agenda, too moderate, and he fired a black police chief.

Joe Biden?

Too centrist, too white male, too ooooold (big eye roll, there).


Not really sensitive about race issues or women's.

Unspoken subtext: too white, too male, too oooooold (tacit eye roll).

Their CW that they urge at every opportunity:

Democrats should not try specifically to win white votes, not even those of the whites who flipped from Obama to Trump.

They need to worry about turnout - but not white turnout, specifically - and aim at motivating their base, which is black voters.

[But in fact 59% of Democrats in 2017 were white. - PV]

[While only 19 % were black.]

They need to excite the youth.

They need to nominate an exciting candidate.

So, hey, a youngish woman of color would be perfect!

So say the black girls who regularly dominate the show.

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