The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Which side are you on? Oh, which side are you on?

Trump slams ‘Dues Sucking’ firefighters union leaders as he attacks Biden

President Donald Trump on Monday unleashed a series of tweets criticizing leaders of major labor unions and former Vice President Joe Biden, who launched his 2020 presidential campaign last week.

Biden was scheduled to speak to the Teamsters union Monday in Pennsylvania, a state Trump won in 2016, but where Biden was born and raised.

“I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune,” Trump tweeted at around 10:30 AM. 

“But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!”

“Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania,” Trump wrote 10 minutes later. 

“He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!........”

Four minutes after his tweet about Pennsylvania, Trump wrote, “The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!”

In response to Trump’s attack, Biden tweeted, “I’m sick of this President badmouthing unions. Labor built the middle class in this country. Minimum wage, overtime pay, the 40-hour week: they exist for all of us because unions fought for those rights. We need a President who honors them and their work.”

Biden hits back at Trump's attack on unions: 'They fought for our rights' –

Joe Biden kicked off his first campaign rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after landing the endorsement of the fire fighters’ union - which also set off Trump, who sent several tweets blasting union leaders. 

Biden calls for reversing Trump tax cuts, enacting Buffett rule and raising minimum wage to $15. 

Says he will unveil more detailed economic proposals in the coming weeks.

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