The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The redacted report shows Barr is Trump's flunky AG where Jeff Sessions and Ron Rosenberg weren't

MSNBC talking heads say Barr's theory of the constitutional authority of the president is that the president cannot commit obstruction of justice or, apparently, abuse of power, when he exercises authority constitutionally assigned to him.

But Mueller flatly disagrees and Barr's theory is a minority view among constitutionalists - though very popular among Trumpists.

On the other hand, Mueller's entire investigation was predicated on the idea that a sitting president cannot be indicted, a Justice Department lie that Mueller personally supports, and the report was written with that in mind.

Barr says the report totally exonerates the president and his campaign of conspiracy with the Russians, and it doesn't.

The president, Barr, and Trump's personal law team are retailing the lies that he cooperated fully with the investigation and has been totally cleared.

Nobody agrees except the usual wingnuts and liars.

Mueller in the report explicitly denies he is exonerating the president and makes it pretty clear he did not seek to indict the president because Justice Department policy forbids it.

And Mueller says outright, in the report, than a thorough investigation by the FBI of the campaign would find evidence of crimes and politically damning information.

Nothing in the report supports the idea that he meant to be leaving it to Barr to decide whether there was obstruction, and many are saying he quite evidently intended to leave it to Congress.

Heavy hitters are expressing dismay and disappointment that Barr, whom they had trusted, is failing in his duty to act as the nation's head of law enforcement and instead is acting as the president's chief defender and spinmeister.

The report as released contains tons of revealing, even damning, information concerning both the reality and extent of collusion with Russia and of obstruction of justice.

The report quotes Trump reacting to the appointment of Mueller to conduct an investigation, saying "I'm fucked" and "My presidency is over".

Mueller was very frustrated the president refused to be interviewed and was unwilling to try to subpoena him and fight it in the courts.


Chris Matthews is all in for impeachment and highly critical of Nancy Pelosi's expressed view that without signs the Republicans are ready to proceed against the president in a bipartisan manner the Democrats ought not to move ahead with impeachment alone.

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