The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Times has given Ilhan Omar a pulpit

It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

She writes in part,

The reasons for weaponizing division are not mysterious. 

Racial fear prevents Americans from building community with one another — and community is the lifeblood of a functioning democratic society. 

Perfectly true.

Throughout our history, racist language has been used to turn American against American in order to benefit the wealthy elite. 

True, sort of, but not the whole truth.

That isn't why Democrats and their allies use it, for example.

Nor does it explain why Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of racism and exaggerate the threat of such racism as there is.

Later, she writes,

The only way to push back is to be unequivocal about our values. 

It is not enough to condemn Mr. Trump’s racism. 

We must affirmatively confront racist policies — whether the caging of immigrant children at the border or the banning of Muslim immigrants . . . 

Have Muslim immigrants been banned?

. . . or the allowing of segregation in public housing.

Is that allowed?

She continues,

The consequences of this fight will not just be felt here at home but around the world. 

From the look of things, true, but not very much.

Right-wing nationalism in Hungary, Russia, France, Britain and elsewhere is on the march in ways not seen in decades. 

America has been a beacon of democratic ideals for the world. 

If we succumb to the fever of right-wing nationalism, it will have consequences far beyond our borders.

Have we not already succumbed?

What more does she fear by way of succumbing?

And what consequences beyond our borders?

Today, democracy is under attack once again. 

Where? Not in America, really.

It’s time to respond with the kind of conviction that has made America great before.

By doing what, does she think, besides electing Democrats, I wonder.

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