The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Birx changes the tune, a little.

Just now on the tube.

They used to say the especially vulnerable were the elderly with comorbidities.

Then it was those 65 and over and those of any age with comorbidities.

Today it's those 80 and over and those of any age with comorbidities.

Pence is useless and full of shit.

But even the docs, including Fauci, did not balk at Pence's happy-talk.

Fauci was clear but gentle, even rather sweet-talking the young idiots blowing off social distancing and masks.

And very gently and politely attributed our current disaster to them and to states re-opening too far and too soon, against the rules provided by the White House documents.

He did not for a second blame Trump or any GOP person or GOP media for heaping contempt on those documents and those who obey them and telling many different lies to cause people to ignore the danger and party like it's pledge week.

Not Fauci.

Not with that giant yellow streak down his back.

The three docs on stage wore masks except while at the mic, speaking.

Pence at no time went anywhere near a mask.

So, who was undermining the credibility of whose message?

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