The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, June 29, 2020

They lie to avoid prosecution

They feared for their property so they came out to the street - a private street, by the way, and the protesters had broken down a gate to get into the private street - to defend their house.

If they had feared for their lives they would have stayed inside, armed, possibly hiding out in the basement.

'Ken & Karen' Draw Their Guns At Crowd Heading To St. Louis Mayor's Home

White privilege, much?

If they had been black and the crowd white would they have lived long enough to make lying explanations?

Oh, and it's that mayor.

A white couple pointed guns at protesters in St. Louis, Missouri, as the group marched toward the mayor’s home, demanding her resignation after she publicly read the names and addresses of several residents who supported defunding the police department

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