The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Unconstitutional federal interference?

Short story.

Trump and his Homeland Security Secretary rightly opine some mayors for political reasons are being too soft on the mobs trashing their cities.

Reportedly, the Duce has ordered the secretary to "dominate the streets" with federal forces.

Result so far:

‘The tactics of a dictator’: Portland leaders demand removal of masked federal agents sent by Trump admin following spate of arbitrary arrests

Elected officials in Portland have called on the Trump administration to remove militarised federal agents from the city following reports of protesters being arbitrarily detained, likening their actions to the “tactics of a government led by a dictator”.

Federal law enforcement officers driving unmarked vehicles and wearing camouflage have been seizing people from the street in recent days in Portland, Oregon, which has seen nightly protests for racial justice since the police killing of George Floyd.

Agents from the US Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service have deployed in the city ostensibly to protect federal property. 

But video and witness testimony show they have far exceeded that mandate and have detained people without cause far from the buildings they are supposed to be protecting.

“The message crafted by the Trump administration to justify this escalation of force and intimidation in Portland borders on propaganda, apparently to serve the president’s perceived political interests. This is unacceptable under our Constitution,” said a letter signed by Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, together with House Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Suzanne Bonamici.

Don't be too sure the Supremes wouldn't find Trump's intervention constitutional.

They might uphold him even if the feds abandoned the fig leaf they are there to defend federal property or federal officers - a bit circular, that last, eh?

"What's happening right now are absolute criminals. They are willfully organizing, planning and coordinating, and preparing themselves and bringing weapons to these areas with the intent to destroy federal property and harm federal agents and officers. That is criminal and that cannot be justified," he added.

. . . .

When Fox News host Neil Cavuto asked about officers not identifying themselves, Morgan called the allegation a "lie." 

He also dismissed the concerns over unmarked vehicles, arguing that it's a "standard tactic" for law enforcement.

"Right now, in situations like this, it's standard procedure -- it's a standard tactic for law enforcement officers to use unmarked cars. ... Neil, it's been on your show, where marked vehicles have actually been attacked by criminals, so it just makes sense for the safety of the officers and agents as well as the protesters," he said.

What's up with Cavuto's voice?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) pushed back Friday against a claim being amplified by liberal politicians and activists that federal agents who deployed to Portland to disperse protesters this week aren’t identifying themselves.

In a statement, DHS insisted that agents are identifying themselves as Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents. 

But they admitted agents are not wearing name tags -- citing recent doxing incidents against law enforcement.

"The CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter," the DHS said in a statement. 

"The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

. . . .

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Thursday accused Portland politicians of enabling the “mob” of protesters who have besieged the city for more than six weeks -- and posted a lengthy timeline of the damage caused by “violent anarchists.”

“The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city,” Wolf said in a statement. 

“Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it.”

CBP said they arrested Pettibone because they “had information indicating the person in the video was suspected of assaults against federal agents or destruction of federal property.”

CBP said that a “violent mob” descended upon them as they were arresting Pettibone so they took him to a safer location for questioning. 

Pettibone was then quickly released, and told The Post he does not know if he is being charged with a crime.

“While the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) respects every American’s right to protest peacefully, violence and civil unrest will not be tolerated,” DHS said in the statement. 

“Violent anarchists have organized events in Portland over the last several weeks with willful intent to damage and destroy federal property, as well as injure federal officers and agents. These criminal actions will not be tolerated.”

Yes, it's political theater on all sides.

And nobody has a constitutional right to hold a city hostage for forty seven days.

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